🛑 XiaoMing Aatrox vs Tryndamere (Best Aatrox) - XiaoMing Aatrox Guide
🛑 XiaoMing Aatrox vs Tryndamere - Over 20 Kills
🛑 XiaoMing Aatrox - met a Good Tryndamere - XiaoMing Aatrox vs Tryndamere
🛑 XiaoMing Aatrox vs Tryndamere - The opponent made a mistake in the early stage of the game
🛑 XiaoMing Aatrox - 1v9 got Over 20 Kills - XiaoMing Aatrox vs Tryndamere
🛑 XiaoMing Aatrox vs Tryndamere Diamond Elo (Best Aatrox) - XiaoMing Aatrox Guide