X72CLA - Close passing driver gets a warning
FY13TSX - How do we change lanes again?
Uninsured driver crashes into cyclist - LS05HBE
Shoaling is not cool, don't do it!
Close pass over zebra crossing, driver sent warning
LV06KVJ - Iced windows, who needs to see?
Uncomfortable watch?
BX02HFF GN19HBK SK21VGO - Who needs numberplates?
LD67EYJ - Driver can't see out of frosted windows
KAM 118 - Close Pass by Impatient Driver
FG67WJE - How slowly can you pull out?
Invisible number 1 close pass. YEZ7910
27 SEPTEMBER 2022 - Driver on the wrong side of the road to exit a junction
Cyclist almost killed "I'm lit up like a Christmas tree" Police outcome in description.
SB69YYW - Captain of the Ever Given drives in Chelsea
Police supervisor asks cyclist to use the bike lane. Cyclist says no thanks.