WHEN ZVEN PICKS JHIN! - C9 Zven Plays Jhin ADC vs Miss Fortune! | Challenger TV
WHEN ZVEN PICKS JHIN! - C9 Zven Plays Jhin ADC vs Ezreal! | Challenger TV
Zven picks Jhin
OG Zven (Niels) Jhin Highlights
OG Zven Jhin Pentakills
PerkZ Thresh and Zven Jhin | Korean Bootcamp | Solo Q Highlights
DOMINATING ZVEN AND VULCAN | Doublelift (Jhin Gameplay)
Doublelift on why he will always remember this UZI play (QSS Flash)
G2 Zven - Pro Stream Highlights - Vayne | Jhin | Sivir | Lee Sin - League of Legends
When Pros try to play Jhin, the Virtuoso
Sneaky and Rush - Jhin and Lux Bot Lane Plays - League of Legends
TSM Zven - 2 SHOTTING PEOPLE AS JHIN?! (Duo with TSM Mithy)
Sneaky picks Jhin
Pocket Picks: BaoTheShield's Jhin
Pray picks Jhin
Zven - JHIN & Braum vs DRAVEN & Pyke (ADC) | KDA 13/2/13, Legendary | NA Challenger | v8.18
TSM Zven Jhin ADC vs Varus Patch 8.6
G2 Zven - Jhin vs Varus Patch 7.6
Mash on TiP's win versus Dig and new AD carry Jhin in the NA LCS