UNJSPF Pension Townhall - Pension Essentials for Participants (Second Session of 2024)
UNJSPF Pension Townhall - Separation and pre-retirement essentials
UNJSPF Pension Townhall - Two Track essentials
UNJSPF Pension Townhall - Pension essentials for retirees and beneficiaries
UNJSPF Pension Townhall - Pension Essentials for Participants
UNJSPF Pension Townhall - Informations essentielles pour les retraité.e.s et bénéficiaires
UNJSPF Pension Townhall - Essentiels sur la double filière
UNJSPF Pension Townhall - Essentiels sur les pensions pour les participant.e.s
How the Fund works
UNJSPF Global Townhall (6 April 2023) - English
Welcome to the Fund
UNJSPF Global Townhall (3 April 2024) - English
Benefit Options
What the UNJSPF does not do
UNJSPF Global Townhall (6 April 2023) - French
The Two-Track Pension Adjustment System
UNJSPF Pension Townhall - Essentiels sur la cessation de service et la préparation à la retraite
The United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund, an update.
UNJSPF Global Townhall (3 April 2024) - French