Tontek06 - Anthony Abuse - Closing Time EP (Tontek Records)
Tontek39 - Lukasz Rogala - The mentalist (Tontek Records)
Tontek09 - Tek-No-Bee - Nightboat to Amsterdam EP (Tontek Records)
Tontek05 - Tek-No-Bee - What the f#ck EP (Tontek Records)
Tontek03 - Memoria - Swedish Meatballs EP (Tontek Records)
Tontek13 - Infopshere - Mycotoxin EP (Tontek Records)
Tontek07 - Drugbank Sexual Assault EP (Tontek Records)
Tontek40 - Fidel Certuche - Rotor EP (Tontek Records)
Tontek20 - Tek-No-Bee - Mary U Wanna (Tontek Records)
Tontek15 - Drugbank - The Fool (Tontek Records)
Tontek16 - Anthony Abuse - Homicide EP (Tontek Records)
Tontek38 - Tek-No-Bee - Cosmic rays EP (Tontek Records)
Tontek22 - Alexander Johansson - Bolt EP (Tontek Records)
Tontek21 - Anthony Abuse - Envorinment EP (Tontek Records)
Tontek02 - Memoria Nephenta EP (Tontek Records)
Tontek41 - Elektrikall - Dark dreams EP (Tontek Records)
Tontek36 - Mario Montero - Feel it first EP (Tontek Records)
Tontek11 - Brad Lee - The Remixes EP (Tontek Records)
Tontek08 - Darren Jones(MT) - Light Obession EP (Tontek Records)
Tontek37 - Tonnikattitude - Central Park EP (Tontek Records)