[ENG SUB]The shy Jayce oneshot Maokai with insane damage丨IG THESHY
The legendary Jayce of TheShy, awesome AOE!
IG vs LNG GAME 2丨LPL Summer Split (2020)Week 7
Theshy duo ranking with Mowgli, accidently meet RNG's Ming and VG's Forge as teammates
TheShy's Jayce vs Tian's Aatrox, it's so happy!
TheShy自信阿克尚打杰斯,压100刀把对手杀成0 9,40滴血绝境反杀
[ENG SUB]The shy Kalista Top tons of damage! But teammates all ff丨IG THESHY
TheShy 1 vs 3 got counter-kills!Is this the power of the W skill?
Theshy Jayce: How dare you to want to dive me!丨IG THESHY
[ENG SUB]The shy Ornn vs Malphite, solo kill at level 1!丨IG THESHY
Theshy上单塞拉斯,偶遇主播霸哥石头人!痛苦的是誰? #英雄聯盟 #theshy
【德云色】五排车队 杰斯 The卡vs'TheShy'
Theshy Mordekaiser hammers everything: this champ is too op! - Theshy铁男锤爆一切:这英雄厉害!丨IG 더샤이
史上最快乐杰斯: theshy杰斯连招拿小本本记下了
[ENG SUB]The shy plays Caitlyn, suddenly turns into the carry of the game!丨IG THESHY
Theshy Fiora instakills by hitting 4 vitals in one second - Shy老师剑姬教学一秒四破瞬秒对手丨IG 더샤이
The Shy crazy dodges with tons of damage! Solokilled enemy Jungler and ADC丨IG THESHY
The shy无限火力卢锡安秒变亚索 - When Theshy plays Lucian with Yasuo’s dash丨IG THESHY