The King's Singers: Bono/U2 arr. Bob Chilcott - MLK
MLK (Arr. Bob Chilcott)
MSU Chorale: MLK - U2 (arr. Bob Chilcott)
M. L. K.
MLK - arr. Bob Chilcott
"MLK" by Bono/U2 arr. Bob Chilcott, performed by The Cathedral Choir
The King's Singers: Billy Joel arr. Bob Chilcott - And So It Goes
MLK (U2 arr. Bob Chilcott) – cantanima
MLK by U2 arr. Bob Chilcott
MLK - U2 (arr. Bob Chilcott)
MLK, words & music by U2, arranged by Bob Chilcott
MLK, MSU Singers, by U2, arr. Bob Chilcott
MLK, by U2, arr. Bob Chilcott
Art'n'Voices: Bono/U2 arr. Bob Chilcott - MLK
MSSU Concert Chorale: MLK by Bono/U2 arr. Bob Chilcott with the American Spiritual A Balm in Gilead
MLK (U2, arr. Bob Chilcott) - Quintessential Vocal Ensemble
MLK - U2, arr. Bob Chilcott - Harmonium Choral Society
MLK | Bono/U2 arr. Bob Chilcott | 2021 | Masters Men's Choir of the Phoenix Boys Choir