"The Church Sessions" by Pepper 96.6: Matina Sous Peau - Metamorfoseis
"The Church Sessions" by Pepper 96.6: Nalyssa Green - Like a Prayer
''The Church Sessions'' by Pepper 966: Monsieur Minimal - "Billie Jean"
"The Church Sessions" by Pepper 96.6: CHRISTIAN RONIG - Greece is mine
"The Church Sessions" by Pepper 96.6: Angelika Dusk - "Daddy Lessons"
"The Church Sessions" by Pepper 96.6: Georgre Zervos - Ring of Fire
"The Church Sessions" by Pepper 966: Katerine Duska
"The Church Sessions" by Pepper 96.6: Georgre Zervos - Never Slow Down
"The Church Sessions" by Pepper 96.6: Wedding Singers - "My Superpower"
"The Church Sessions" by Pepper 96.6: Kovacs - My Love
"The Church Sessions" by Pepper 96.6: Tango With Lions- Proof Of Desire
Matina Sous Peau - Movin' (Official Audio)
Angelika Dusk | Gold live @ The Church Sessions by Pepper 96,6
"The Church Sessions" by Pepper 966: – Sugahspank! & The Swing Shoes «Crazy»
The Church Sessions" by Pepper 96.6: – Sillyboy's Ghost Relatives «Secret»
The Church Sessions" by Pepper 96.6: – Sillyboy's Ghost Relatives«Come Closer»
"The Church Sessions" by Pepper 966: Leon of Athens feat. Fonές+ - "Aeroplane"
"The Church Sessions" by Pepper 966: – Sugahspank! & The Swing Shoes «Hard as Diamonds»
"The Church Sessions" by Pepper 966: Gadjo Dilo – «Αέρας»
''The Church Sessions'' by Pepper 966: Idra Kayne - "Don't let me go"