TRLE 2003.11.09 - Looking for Information (Buscardo Information)
TRLE 2003.11.30 - The Lost Land 1, Palace Gates
Palace of the ugly Sphinx - Kjartan
TRLE 2003.09.05 - Outside the Crypts
TRLE 2003.08.15 - Atlantis 2/2, Die Unterwasserstation Underwaterstation
Michelle143 2003.11.09 @SHIBUYA AX / ロケットスピーダー
Michelle143 2003.11.09 @SHIBUYA AX / 泣いてたまるか
TRLE 2001.06.05 - Deep Underground
TRLE 2001.02.07 - Freezing Islands 2: The Movie
Michelle143 2003.11.09 @SHIBUYA AX / I'm Kind For You
Michelle143 2003.11.09 @SHIBUYA AX / Hope Is Here
Tomb of Kjartan - Kjartan
TRLE 2001.01.28 - Dark Fall
Triple Guitars Night-Elements(Music by 加藤大祐)
[나이트클럽 음악] 함소원 - Best Love By신호준 ReMix
Serie B 2004/2005: Catanzaro-Empoli 2-3
【インディーズ時代のベストアルバム】Lonely / SHUM from TRIPLE-P (Audio video)