TRLE 2001.04.02 - The Lost Mine of Solomon
TRLE 2001.04.02 - Wild Temple
TRLE 2001.04.02 - Palopique's First Level
TRLE 2001.04.05 - Asphaeings Amulet 2, Temple of Azzivullas
TRLE 2001.04.27 - Passageways V2.0
TRLE 2001.04.20 - The Temple Of Ankhef en-Khonsu
TRLE 2001.04.02 - Temple of the Naked Women
TRLE 2001.04.27 - The Cathedral of the Fallen
TRLE 2001.04.24 - Cube
TRLE 2001.04.27 - The City of Broken Dreams
TRLE 2001.04.07 - FHsv
TRLE 2001.04.03 - Tomb of Gods
TRLE 2001.04.16 - The Tomb of Qualopec (TR1)
TRLE 2001.04.04 - City Chronicles
TRLE 2001.04.05 - Asphaeings Amulet 1, City of Blezqi Zatsaz
TRLE 2001.05.08 - Necro's Domain 2 - The Crypt
TRLE 2001.04.09 - Sinai, the hidden Temple
TRLE 2001.04.28 - Little Tomb of Egypt
TRLE The Templar Archives Downtown Channel part 2
TRLE 2003.12.21 - Underground Kingdom 2, Khazad-dum