TRLE 2001.03.28 - The Tomb of Cleopatra's Handmaiden
TRLE 2001.03.28 - The Long River of China
TRLE 2001.03.28 - City of the Dark (Demo)
TRLE 2001.03.19 - Egyptian
TRLE 2001.03.11 - Village of the Damned
TRLE 2001.03.23 - Blue Sphere
Tomb Raider: The Amulet of Isis 2 - Underground Temple of Isis (Niveles de autor)
TRLE 2001.03.05 - The Building of Russia
TRLE 2001.04.14 - Mercenary Depot
TRLE 2002.04.14 - Lara's Dairy
TRLE: Secret of Mount Parnassus - (Level 1) Under the Mount Pernassus
Coastal Run - UFO
TRLE 2005.04.21 - Witch shall be born
TRLE 2001.05.20 - In London: Underground
TRLE,The Lost Emperor[#1]- Venetian Streets
TRLE 2001.12.02 - Return to Tibet - Hunt for the Deathmask
TRLE 2001.01.24 - Cleopatra's Other Palace
TRLE 2001.04.05 - Asphaeings Amulet 3, The Escape
TRLE 2001.10.19 - Ghost Ship
TRLE 2001.06.02 - Temple Of Cleopatra