TRLE 2001.03.06 - Necro's Domain
TRLE 2001.03.06 - Fearsome (Level 1)
TRLE 2001.03.06 - Fearsome (Level 2+3)
TRLE 2001.03.06 - Freezing Islands 2: Advanced
TRLE 2001.02.06 - Scotland: Mystery of the Great Pyramid
TRLE 2001.03.14 - Port of Venice
TRLE 2001.03.05 - The Lost Compass
TRLE 2001.03.05 - The Building of Russia
TRLE 2001.03.08 - Palace Of Cyrus
Hostage Ship - Bullet Ridden Monkey
TRLE 2001.03.08 - Temple of Gods
TRLE 2001.03.08 - Palace of Gods
TRLE 2001.03.17 - Coastal City
TRLE 2001.03.19 - House Party
TRLE 2001.03.20 - The Base of Darkness
TRLE : Villa Mortal 2 (TR1 Dos Box) 6/6
TRLE 2001.03.11 - Mummys in the Arctic
TRLE 2001.03.11 - Tomb of Fury
TRLE 2001.03.20 - Norad Lab
TRLE : Villa Mortal 2 (TR1 Dos Box) 3/6