Kosovo the window | Joan de Boer | TEDxPrishtina
TEDxPrishtina teaser
Kosovo and it's energy path, opportunities and roadblocks | Visar Azemi | TEDxPrishtina
The image of a Country | Visar Ramajli | TEDxPrishtina
Kosovo's liberation - who tells the story?: Hana Marku at TEDxAUK
TEDxPrishtina - Bujar Nrecaj - When Design Changes Thought
In search of selflessness | Garentina Kraja | TEDxPrishtina
Andrrat behen bashke! | Nita Deda | TEDxPrishtina
TEDxPrishtina - Nita Luci - The Exchange Value of National Culture
ArtMachine @ TEDx Prishtina
Why the West is in desperately in need of Kosovo? | Stefan van Dijk | TEDxPrishtina
Femijet e humbur, qe u rritem rrugeve te botes | Adelina Badivuku | TEDxPrishtina
The theory of falling into things | Drita Perezic | TEDxPrishtina
The power of tenacity | Veton Breznica | TEDxPrishtina
The best stories are the ones you don't expect | Nate Tabak | TEDxPrishtina
TEDx Prishtina - Veliaj prezanton Tiranën përmes 5 historive njerëzore
Fotografimi i shpirtit | Jetmir Idrizi | TEDxPrishtina
Money follows, it doesn't lead | Edi Demaj | TEDxPrishtina
Kur ju bashkova pajtimit te gjaqeve: Hava Shala at TEDxPrishtinaWomen
Why I choose to relive my family’s massacre | Saranda Bogujevci | TEDxPrishtina