T1 Oner Kindred vs GEN.A Nyx Graves Jungle - KR Patch 10.25
THIS is How You Play Graves in the Jungle (League of Legends)
T1 Oner Taliyah vs KT Bonnie Hecarim Jungle - KR Patch 10.25
T1 Oner Jungle Jarvan IV vs Lee Sin - KR Grandmaster Patch 10.8
T1 Oner Nidalee vs Karthus Jungle - KR Patch 11.5
Hecarim Jungle vs Graves - KR Master | Patch 13.1
GEN Nyx Taliyah vs Nidalee Jungle - KR Patch 10.25
GRAVES vs ELISE (JNG) | 13/0/2, Rank 3 Graves, Legendary, Rank 12 | EUW Challenger | 12.18
REK'SAI vs GRAVES (JUNGLE) | 9/1/9, 1.5M mastery, Godlike, 300+ games | EUW Diamond | v10.25
[4K] LOL Challenger Elise Jungle (2/1/13) Ep388
HLE Arthur Lee Sin vs Kindred Jungle - KR Patch 10.25
DWG Canyon Taliyah vs KT GIDEON Hecarim Jungle - KR Patch 10.25
Team WE Plex Jungle Jarvan IV vs Kindred - KR Challenger Patch 10.8
DWG Canyon Taliyah vs Hecarim Jungle - KR Patch 10.25
T1 Gumayusi Ezreal vs Jhin Bot - KR Patch 10.24
DMO bless Ekko vs Graves Jungle - KR Patch 10.18
SB Route Miss Fortune vs Zenit Jhin Bot - KR Patch 10.25
JDG Yagao Taliyah vs Nidalee Jungle - KR Patch 10.25
GRF Tarzan Shen vs Lee Sin Jungle - KR Patch 10.12