Sound Test Unlocked! Best VGM 2091 - Palace (The Denpa Men 2: Beyond the Waves)
Sound Test Unlocked! Best VGM 2272 - Anti-Soul Mysteries Lab (Castlevania: Lament of Innocence)
Sound Test Unlocked! Best VGM 853 - The Tragic Prince (Castlevania: Symphony of the Night)
Best VGM 2617 - Shinobi III - Idaten
Best VGM 1983 - Shinobi - Transfiguration
Legendary hero # 4 | denpa men 3 : sleeky serpent fight
Final Boss (The Denpa Men 2: Beyond The Waves) - Mic Drop
Best VGM 1679 - Shin Megami Tensei IV - Lucifer Palace
The Denpa Men: They Came By Wave OST, Great Demon King (Oscilloscope View)
NVGM #6 - The Denpa Men 2: Beyond the Waves - Villa
03 Solace Tomorrow (Stage 1)(Ex-Zodiac OST Vol. 1)
Legendary hero # 28 | denpa men 2 : king fight
At Sea - The Denpa Men 3: The Rise of Digitoll
The Denpa Men: They Came By Wave OST, Boss Battle (Oscilloscope View)
The Denpa Men 2| Ending 2 (HQ)
The Denpa Men 2 Beyond The Waves OST - Final Slow Boss Battle (Slow Version)
Fishing (Rare) - The Denpa Men 3: The Rise of Digitoll
Denpa Men 2: Beyond The Waves Extended OST: Fairy
Denpa Men 3: The Rise of Digitoll Extended OST: Mystic
Trouble In Digitoll [OLD] - Gizzy's Q00L Denpa Men Mod