Theshy watches Rookie 1-12: The people in iG are normal like this. followed by Quinn's 16 kills
真功夫小姐姐又來炸街了 真功夫 高難度動作 高手在民間 專業動作請勿模仿 臺上一分鐘臺下十年功
Theshy' Vayne: standing in front of enemy's turrent at lvl 1丨IG THESHY
TheShy picks Graves top: If Lee can top, then Graves can top too丨iG TheShy
Theshy Lucian: Has MSI started? Then I don’t have to stream now, you guys丨iG TheShy
TheShy:people will blame me if I play ADC top,but if you guys really wants to watch I will play it
[ENG SUB]The shy Gangplank top vs Aatrox,solo kill at lvl 1丨IG THESHY
The Shy上单盲僧,E闪R闪这种操作还不是轻轻松松 - Theshy plays Lee Sin top,E flash and R flash are a piece of cake
Theshy being sanctioned by meta answer Lee sin,He smiled after double kill丨iG TheShy
TheShy showed a distorted expression after his Lee sin lose
TheShy plays Olaf jungle, a perfect interpretation of what is meant by "reckless"!丨iG TheShy
Theshy streams again:This game should be played while yelling
TheShy Sword Aatrox solo kills at level 2, but after being gank, he can't cs anymore and shout
Jungle followed TheShy's Kalista whole game, chasing three people in front fountain丨iG TheShy
Theshy super clingy,Jayce I'll go wherever you go丨iG TheShy
TheShy: Rookie streaming at Xiaoyu's house? Awesome!丨iG TheShy
The Shy Assassin jungler: played LOL like another game丨iG TheShy
Theshy plays Kalista in One for All! Five times happiness丨iG TheShy