20 Under 20 Thiel Fellow: Semon Rezchikov
Symmetries in Floer Homology - Semon Kirillovich Rezchikov
Semon Rezchikov - Categorical aspects of the Fueter Equation
DEF CON 20 - Dustin Hoffman and Semon Rezchikov - Busting the BARR
IAIFI Summer Workshop 2023 - Semon Rezchikov
Semon Rezchikov: Generalizations of Hodge-de-Rham degeneration for Fukaya categories, 5/8/20 4pm GMT
Renormalization Group Flow as Optimal Transport
Floer Theory on Complex-Symplectic Manifolds - Semon Kirillovich Rezchikov
DEF CON 20 - Busting the BARR - Dustin Hoffman, Semon Rezchikov
DEF CON 20 Hacking Conference Presentation By Dustin Hoffman and Semon Rezchikov Busting the BARR T
DEF CON 20 Busting the BARR Dustin Hoffman, Semon Rezchikov
Bacterial Transformation - 1
Placing the Antibiotic Disks for the Antibiotic Susceptibility Test
Disks are placed!
Bacterial Transformation - 4
Genie in a Bottle - Inverting DNA (4)
DEF CON 19 - Rezchikov, Wang, and Engelman - Why Airport Security Can't Be Done FAST
Motor moving HTMAA 2014
Playing a record with a needle and paper
Section 24.1 Screencast