SALTGACGWW - Wenge Saltarelle Gaia Diatonic Button Accordion GC LMM 34 18 $3499
4843 - Certified Pre-Owned Cherry Saltarelle Bouebe Diatonic Button Accordion GC MM 21 8 $1299
SALTNUABCWW - Walnut Saltarelle Nuage Diatonic Button Accordion BC LMM 23 8 $3999
René Lacaille test le Saltarelle Bourroche
SALTLAUADGWW - Walnut Saltarelle Laurentides Diatonic Button Accordion ADG la MM 34 12 $3799
SER334KBKDFA - Black Gold Serenellini Dona Diatonic Button Accordion AD MM 33 12 $2699
SALTROMGCWW - Walnut Saltarelle Le Romane Diatonic Button Accordion GC LMM 24 12 $3999
4577 - Silver Nobility Noble Bronson Special Piano Accordion LMM 41 120
Saltarelle Arcadia 2
Jasper Depraetere on the Bronzen Piano, with Nele Gerard (accordeon)
Tune of the Month for January 2021: Glory of the Sun
SER334KRDMI - Red Serenellini 334K Diatonic Button Accordion Mi EAD LMMM 33 12 $2299
Dear John from France sing "Stranded Vessel" Bluegrass in La Roche August 4, 2022
Waltz For Camel
Gaia Waltz
Folk Song - Ludwig van Beethoven (Ukulele Fingerstyle)
Let it snow - Ukulele cover
5772 - Certified Pre-Owned Cherry Saltarelle Chaville Chromatic Button Accordion C MM 48 60 $3999