[ENG SUB]Rookie plays Akali so smoothly but faces surprises everywhere丨IG ROOKIE
[ENG SUB]Rookie Akali:The king of outplays! 丨IG ROOKIE
Rookie Mid Akali: What an eye-pleasing combo - Rookie中单阿卡丽,连招赏心悦目丨IG 루키
[ENG SUB]Rookie's Akali can take kills from everywhere丨IG ROOKIE
[ENG SUB]Rookie Akali plays both mid&top,the enemies can only run from him!丨IG ROOKIE
ROOKIE阿卡丽:我还以为这是无限火力呢 - Rookie Akali: Are you sure I'm not playing URF?
[ENG SUB]Rookie Akali Top laning against Ornn: the king of anti-pressure!丨IG ROOKIE
[ENG SUB]The shy Akali with Rocketbelt! Helping Renekton quits his internet addiction丨IG THESHY
[ENG SUB]Rookie duos with UZI,turns into support unconsciously丨IG ROOKIE
[ENG SUB]This is an auto-win game when Rookie uses his IG Championship Skin丨IG ROOKIE
[ENG SUB]The shy Vayne Top:Stop calling for help, you are gonna die anyway!丨IG THESHY
[ENG SUB]The Shy Rumble top: still want to gank me even when I'm under turrent?丨IG THESHY
UZI | Asking Rookie For Duo After Destroying Rookie..
Lucian vs Jhin 14/5/11 RNG UZI Challenger Play [English Subtitles]
[ENG SUB]The shy Jayce oneshot Maokai with insane damage丨IG THESHY
[ENG SUB]The shy Qiyana pulls off the ultimate comeback丨IG THESHY
The shy Ryze: Still diving even with 0-2 stats - Theshy瑞兹:被杀两次还能越塔强杀丨IG 더샤이