Richard Nixon on 60 Minutes Cold Open - SNL
Saturday Night Live: Richard Nixon on 60 Minutes Cold Open (My Version)
The Nixon Years | 60 Minutes Archive
Nixon with no expletives deleted
Trump Victory Party Cold Open - SNL
Cold Opening: Joe Biden - Saturday Night Live
October 8, 1968: Presidential candidate Richard Nixon
President Bill Clinton at McDonald's - SNL
Weekend Update: Jane, You Ignorant Slut - SNL
From the Lost Nixon Tapes: “Gays Are Born That Way”
DAVID FRYE (as Richard Nixon) - 1968 - Standup Comedy
President Reagan, Mastermind - SNL
Why voters won't hear directly from Donald Trump in the 60 Minutes election special
VP Debate: Sarah Palin and Joe Biden - SNL
VP Fly Debate Cold Open - SNL
Richard Nixon Predicted Putin and Russia (1994)
Cold Opening: Michael Reagan - Saturday Night Live
Edward Cox: Richard Nixon saw "X-factor" in Donald Trump
45 years after Watergate: politcal scandals then and now
Election Night - SNL