I connected my fiber internet directly to my pfsense router via SFP!
I HACKED my Internet Service Provider's router. So I could get rid of it.
I replace ISP modem with my own router
GPON ONU Loop Holes & Changing Serial Number
Replace ISP ONT/ONU - NOKIA GPON SFP G-010S-A (OpenWrt SFP 7.5.3)
Replace your ISP XGS PON/ XG PON fibre router/ONT with a SFP+ Module! works with VM Hub 5x, AT&T etc
I got faster internet for only $50 from AT&T Gigabit Fiber using an SFP+ module installation
I Removed My ISP Supplied Full Fibre Router
Easy ONT Replacement
Q&A: Can I replace the modem-router provided by internet service provider? | JK Chavez
How To Bypass AT&T Fiber BGW320 w/ WAS-110 SFP+
I use the TP-Link XZ000-G3 with a different ISP
What is an ONT (Optical Network Terminal)?
Home Gigabit internet - Fibre optic cable installation Test
Luleey 2.5G XPON Stick , SFP ONU
Configure the EdgeRouter X SFP with Nokia G-010S-A GPON module