Rayhan Sudrajat & Tokzhan Karatai - "Aramyzda" Live at Blue Lake, Oregon
Rayhan Sudrajat - Our Blood (Live at "AKAR")
Rayhan Sudrajat Feat. Didik Nini Thowok - The Blue Lake (Live at "AKAR")
Rayhan Sudrajat - "Indonesia Pusaka" Live at Federation Square, Melbourne
Karungut Namuei
Rayhan Sudrajat - Round Robin (Improvisation) Live at "AKAR"
Rayhan Sudrajat - The Horcrux
Sedih, Kesal, dan Takut
Rayhan Sudrajat - Sedih, Kesal, dan Takut (Official Video)
Rayhan Sudrajat - Soundpainting (Live at "AKAR")
Rayhan Sudrajat - Karungut Tuntang Petak (Live at "AKAR")
Rayhan Sudrajat - "The Blue Lake" (Live at Afternoon Tea with KJRI Melbourne, Australia)
Rayhan Sudrajat Feat. Oscar Jimenez - The Blue Lake (Live at Queen Victoria Market)
Rayhan Sudrajat Feat. Trie Utami - Palangka Raya Hadurut (Live at "AKAR")
Rayhan Sudrajat, Rapasa Nyatrapasa, and Tokzan Karatai - "Piny Lic ka Thumbe Oromo"
Rayhan Sudrajat - Comfortable (John Mayer Cover) Live Recording in His Chamber
OneBeat 2017 - Rayhan and Sayun
Rayhan Sudrajat - "Karungut Namuei" (2020)
Rahina Semesta