Raphael Pierzina - Come to the Dark Side! We have a whole bunch of Cookiecutters!
Raphael Pierzina - The Challenges of Maintaining a Popular Open Source Project
Raphael Pierzina - Pytest 3.0
Raphael Pierzina - Hi, my name is README! - A Look at Why Docs are So Important
Raphael Pierzina - Kickstarting projects with Cookiecutter
Raphael Pierzina - Advanced pytest
Write the Docs Prague 2017: Hi, my name is README! by Raphael Pierzina
Introduction to automated testing with pytest
[RAW] Remote Python Pizza - part 1 (UTC 8-12)
Automationeers Assemble: Customizing your pytest test suite
DjangoCon 2018 - Keynote: The naïve programmer
Rafael Schultze-Kraft - Building smart IoT applications with Python and Spark
pytest testmon
Advanced Pytest - Òscar Vilaplana
Python pytest fundamentals (part 2 - conftest)
EuroPython - The largest Python conference in Europe
2017 8 Years of Config Management
Python - Pyramid - CookieCutter
Offline Django with Service Workers
Web Testing PyTest Framework (Single browser vs Multiple browsers)