ROOTDestiny (Z) vs JonTheNinja (P) - Shakuras Plateau
ROOTDestiny vs OneTrickPony - Casted by Laughing Man
ROOTDestiny(Z) vs dignitasNaniwa(P)- Metalopolis-EG Masters Cup- Game1
ROOTDestiny vs VPStreet - ZvT
QxGDestiny (Z) vs. owmygroin (Z) - Starcraft 2 Ladder
QxGDestiny (Z) vs. coLRyze (Z) - Starcraft 2 Ladder
Guest Commentary - QxGDestiny (Z) vs. Meovin (P) - Starcraft 2 - By Axel
Starcraft 2 - 4v4s - The Formation of TGTS G1
Jon the Ninja
Jon the ninja, Wii mode
Axel (P) vs Gambit (Z) - Shattered Temple
Destiny mothership play on ladder [HD]