Quad NR's with a late running 3YN2 steel train - 24/9/15
Triple NR's with late running 3YN2 Loaded steel train- 12/3/15
Triple NR's with a late 3YN2 - 30/11/17
NR113 / NR79 / AN2 with PN 3YN2 - 26/4/18
Five upfront lead a late running PN steel 3YN2 at Gosford & Narara - 4/8/16
Triple NR's with a late PN 2YN2 steel - 23/3/17
Quad NR's and 8011 with PN 5NY3 - 28/7/16
NR106 works 3YN2 with NR121 and NR92.
Quad NR's with PN 2NY3 empty steel - 2/1/17
NR67 / NR114 / 9301 with an early morning 1WB3 - 13/3/17
*Rare* AN1 leads late running 7YN2 - 2/11/15
2 x NR's an 3 x 93's with 4BM2 Containers and empty steel train - 12/3/15
Quad NR's with PN 6NY3 - 8/6/18
Quad NR's with PN 4NY3 - 13/6/18
Triple 81's hauling PN 6NY3 steel - 4/8/17
Quad NR's with PN 3NY3 empty steel - 21/6/16
Triple NR's with PN 3YN2 - 2/1/20
6011 and 6006 with Aurizon empty coal MC59 - 4/7/22
NR4 and AN9 with a late running mixed 1MB2 - 20/7/15
NR117 / AN2 / NR78 with Pacific National 3MB4 - 23/9/15