Quad NR's with 2NY3 - 6/6/16
Quad NR's with 2NY3 - 25/1/16
Quad NR's with 2NY3 at Narara - 14/3/16
Quad NR's and G530 with 2NY3 - 28/3/16
Quad NR's with PN 2NY3 - 22/10/18
Quad NR's arrive with PN 2NY3 - 2/4/18
Quad NR's lead PN 2NY3 - 29/4/19
Quad NR's with PN 2NY3 on Boxing Day 2016
Quad NR's with PN 2NY3 empty steel - 2/1/17
Quad NR's and 8251 with PN 2NY3 - 24/12/18
Five NR's with 2NY3 on ANZAC day 2016.
Five NR's with 2NY3 - 14/12/15
1MP2 Quad NR Class Locomotives On Steel Train - PoathTV Australian Trains & Railways
Quad NR's and G526 with a long 1BS6 - 14/3/16
2NY3 Small Chase
Five NR's lead PN 2NY3 - 1/10/18
Quad NR's with PN 2BS6 - 11/12/18
Three NR's and Two 82's lead PN 2NY3 - 29/6/20
NR classes with 2NY3 #sydneytrains #trains #railway #shorts
Quad NR's with Pacific National's 6BA6 - 9/4/16