Quad NR's lead PN 3NY3 - 9/10/18
Quad NR's (two IP) lead PN 3NY3 - 30/10/18
Four NR's and 8184 lead PN 3NY3 - 16/7/19
8209 and 4 NR's lead PN 3NY3 - 4/2/20
Quad NR's with PN 3NY3 - 28/3/17
Quad NR's lead PN 2NY3 - 29/4/19
Quad NR's with PN 3NY3 - 6/12/16
Quad NR's and 8025 with PN 3NY3 - 19/11/19
Quad NR's including The Ghan NR74 with PN 3NY3 - 9/1/18
Two Indian Pacific NR's lead PN 3NY3 - 16/1/18
Quad NR's and 8033 with PN 3NY3 - 10/7/18
Quad NR's and 8011 with 3NY3 - 14/6/16
Four NR's with AN6 in the middle lead PN 5NY3 - 28/6/18
Blue Indian Pacific NR leads a short 3NY3 - 26/8/14
Triple NR's and 8025 lead PN 4NY3 (incl TransPerth B series) - 31/10/18
Five NR's lead PN 2NY3 - 1/10/18
Quad NR's with a late running 3YN2 steel train - 24/9/15
Quad NR's and 8111 with 5NY3 - 29/10/15
PACIFIC NATIONAL NR23 AN3 leads steel train 3NY3
Three NR's with 8225 and 8025 lead PN 5NY3 - 29/11/18