Futurama - Bender bends the professor
Remember Professor, Bender is Santa.
Bender Shocks The Professor
Bender Sleep Bending
WDR 7. Mai 1991 - Todestag des Parapsychologen Hans Bender
[ Futurama ] ▶ Professor Bender - I'm afraid we need to use...MATH!!
The Professor shoots Bender
Futurama (S06 E06) - Hermes and Baby Bender
Bender Crackin Professors Back
Bender Shoots Professor
Fry meets bender for the first time...
Keith Bender - Professor of Economics - University of Aberdeen
Futurama | New Season: Sneak Peek Episode 10 Bender Asks Professor to Make a Solemn Promise | Hulu
Futurama - Bender Insults but they get Increasingly more Savage
Futurama 2x15 Bender is pissed off that The Professor taped over his soap operas
Bender Throws Seymour In Lava