Producer/Director Bob Doyle on TV in Washington DC in 1947 -
Producer/Director Bob Doyle on early color television -
Bob Doyle on how TV cameras changed political conventions -
Bob Doyle on directing the camera pool at the 1952 conventions -
If It Were Not Filmed No One Would Believe It
Cameraman Ed Resnick on changes in early television -
Arthur Penn on the commercial aspect of early television changing -
FIRED for Being a COMMUNIST in 1950s
1947 Musketeer Duel on French TV
1947 UBA TV Ident
ALASKA! National Geographic Special (1967)
President Harry S. Truman delivers a speech at the American League headquarters i...HD Stock Footage
RCA Engineer Loren Jones on hurdles in developing early TV -
Lighting Director Imero Fiorentino on the early television camera -
Sal Martoche (2008) On Career and Bill Donovan
Classic Cinema Marathon #2
Religion and the Constitution (1984) | ARCHIVES
Bob Johnson, Kamala Harris, Black Wealth and Financial Juneteenth
MP72-19 Truman Faces New Job With Confidence
Hoover Book Club: Bruce Caldwell On Mont Pèlerin 1947