Plot summary, “Cooper Union Address” by Abraham Lincoln in 6 Minutes - Book Review
Abraham Lincoln's Cooper Union Address
"Lincoln and the Cooper Union Address"
The Cooper Union Speech: Lincoln
Ep. 5 - Abraham Lincoln's Address at Cooper Union (w/ James Best) | Constitutional Chats
Lincoln's First Inaugural Address Summary & Analy
Encore: Abraham Lincoln's Cooper Union Speech
Lincoln's First Inaugural
Lincoln's Greatest Speech, Sept. 22, 2020, 1/2
Williams' Lecture Series: Harold Holzer
Michael Schein - "John Surratt: The Lincoln Assassin Wh
Lincoln's Eulogy | Frank N. Pagano
Ronald C. White: Lincoln in Private
"Lincoln, the North, and Secession "
Jon White on the Riveting Story of Appleton Oaksmith
Lincoln, West Virginia, and the Law of Secession (9/14/2011)
Lincoln and Newark - June 1, 2011
City Talk: Harold Holzer, Lincoln scholar, on "Lincoln in New York"
Lincoln and the Power of the Press: The War for Public Opinion
Retired R.I. Supreme Court Justice Frank J. Williams' Presentation of President Lincoln and WW1