PhreakNIC20: Diceware - poiupoiu
Diceware poiupoiu
PW01 Unspeakable passwords pronounceable or Diceware Jeffery Goldberg
PhreakNIC 20: Closing Ceremonies
PhreakNIC 20: Recording Audio and Video Panel - Steve Esposito & poiupoiu
PhreakNIC 20: Death March and Back Again - James Powell
A passphrase that the NSA can't crack - Emma Lilliestam at Go2Malmö 2016
Passphrases for Humans: A Cultural Approach to Passphrase Wordlist Generation
PW26 How Secure Are Multi Word Random Passphrases
PhreakNIC 18-Run while you stil can or rather how 3d printers will be the death of us all-Chad Ramey
PhreakNIC 19 - The Embedded Technology Generation - Robert D. Lewis
PhreakNIC 19 - Career Hacks - Michael St. Vincent