PIM Course: Lecture 5: Real-world PIM: Samsung HBM-PIM (Spring 2023)
PIM Course: Lecture 5: Real-world PIM: Samsung HBM-PIM - Fall 2022
PIM Course: Lecture 7: Real-world PIM: Samsung AxDIMM (Spring 2023)
PIM Course: Lecture 7: Real-world PIM: Samsung AxDIMM - Fall 2022
PIM Course: Lecture 6: Real-world PIM: SK Hynix AiM - Fall 2022
PIM Course: Lecture 4: Real-world PIM: Microbenchmarking of UPMEM PIM (Spring 2023)
Processing in Memory Course: Meeting 5: Real-world PIM architectures IV - Fall'21
Processing-in-Memory Course: Lecture 4: Real-world PIM: Samsung HBM-PIM Architecture - Spring 2022
PIM Course: Lecture 4: Real-world PIM: Microbenchmarking of UPMEM PIM - Fall 2022
PIM Course: Lecture 8: Real-world PIM: Alibaba HB-PNM - Fall 2022
PIM Course: Lecture 3: Real-world PIM: UPMEM PIM (Spring 2023)
Processing-in-Memory Course: Lecture 6: Real-world PIM: SK Hynix AiM - Spring 2022
PIM Course: Lecture 3: Real-world PIM: UPMEM PIM - Fall 2022
PIM Course: Lecture 6: Real-world PIM: SK Hynix AiM (Spring 2023)
PIM Course: Lecture 8: Real-world PIM: Alibaba HB-PNM (Spring 2023)
Processing-in-Memory Course: Lecture 9: Real-world PIM: Samsung AxDIMM - Spring 2022
PIM Course: Lecture 17: How to Enable the Adoption of PIM? - Fall 2022
PIM Course: Lecture 11: SpMV on a Real PIM Architecture (Spring 2023)
Processing-in-Memory Course: Lecture 3: Real-world PIM: Microbenchmarking of UPMEM PIM - Spring 2022
Samsung Announces First Successful HBM-PIM Integration With Xilinx