PHC001 / EL60 / PHC002 with Crawford's 1547 - 26/5/20
PHC002 / PHC001 / EL60 with Crawford's 1547 - 11/8/20
C505 / PHC002 / PHC001 / EL60 with Crawford's 1547 - 24/7/20
PHC001 / EL60 / PHC002 with Crawford's 1493 - 21/5/20
PHC002 / PHC001 with Crawford's 1547 - 2/7/20
PHC002 / EL64 / PHC001 with Crawford's 1547 - 18/6/20
EL60 / PHC002 / PHC001 with Crawford's 4190 - 28/9/20
PHC001 / EL60 / PHC002 with Crawford's 1595 - 25/4/20
PHC001 / PHC002 / CF4412 with Crawford's 1547 - 1/9/20
PHC002 / EL60 / PHC001 with Crawford's 1595 - 9/5/20
CF4412 / EL60 / EL64 / CF4411 with Crawford's 1547 - 29/11/20
PHC002 / EL60 / PHC001 with Crawfords 4190 - 5/4/20
PN 6BM4 and Crawford's 1547 meet up 27/6/20
PHC001 / EL57 / PHC002 with Crawford's 4190 - 1/3/21
PHC001 / EL57 / PHC002 with Crawford's 4190 - 7/3/21
CF4412 / EL60 / CF4411 with Crawfords 1547 - 7/11/20
VL355 / EL64 / VL354 / VL359 with Crawford's 1547 - 26/11/20
Crawfords Freightlines, Werris Creek Service: Australian Freight Trains
PHC002 & PHC001 with Crawford's 1491 - 10/9/17
CF4411 / VL355 / VL362 / CF4412 with Crawford's 1547 - 26/10/21