NR85 (Southern Spirit) / NR112/ 8102 with 2SB1 - 31/8/15
SOUTHERN SPIRITS NR85 NR97 leads there train 7BM4
Southern Spirit NR84/NR85 #6BG8 Hilldale 06/02/2011
5NY3 with NR84 trailing
Triple NRs cross Gosford Broadwater
NR84 / NR106 with PN 2SB1 - 21/3/16
Colourful NR's with PN 4YN2 steel train - 6/11/15
4 NR's with 2BM2 - 18/11/14
Triple NR's on 5MB4 - 3/1/14
A regular 5MB4 - 25/7/14
Four NR's and AN7 as the middle loco of 5NY3 - 24/12/15
5NY3 with 3 NR class and 2 93 class
NR84 Southern Spirit leads Pacific National 6NY3 - 20/3/15
Ghan NR leading 4BW4 - 20/3/14
NR48 / NR95 / 8183 with Pacific National 6SB1 - 9/10/15
3BM2 with NR7 / 9317 - 29/4/14
NR2 / AN4 / NR105 with PN 2MB2 - 20/2/18
Five upfront lead PN 6BM2 - 24/2/18
NR59 / NR99 / G538 with Pacific National 4SB1 - 25/5/16
NR120 / AN3 / NR70 with PN 2BM2 - 12/6/18