NR28 / NR18 / AN7 / 8230 / DL44 lead PN 3NY3 - 19/2/19
Four NR's and 8184 lead PN 3NY3 - 16/7/19
8209 and 4 NR's lead PN 3NY3 - 4/2/20
Two Indian Pacific NR's lead PN 3NY3 - 16/1/18
Double NR's with PN 6BM2 - 28/7/18
DL44,8230 with 4825N into Orange
Triple NR's and 8226 with PN 3NY3 - 5/3/19
Three NR's with 8225 and 8025 lead PN 5NY3 - 29/11/18
NR58 / NR121 / G538 with PN 3NY3 - 24/10/17
Five NR's with PN 3NY3 - 2/1/19
3NY3 with 5 locos including NR84 (Southern Spirit) - 14/10/14
NR14 / 8223 / TT105 / LDP009 / LDP004 with PN 5BW4 - 11/1/19
NR18 (Indian Pacific) / NR97 / 8169 / 8025 / 8251 with PN 5NY3 - 7/2/19
8119 DL44 From Narromine Branch
DL47+DL43=Werris Creek
8241 PN / 8243 with PN 4124 - 7/4/19
NR20 / TT105 with PN 7SB1 - 28/9/19