NR23 / 8220 / NR78 / 8225 / 9315 lead PN 5WB3 in the rain - 8/6/17
NR78 / 8220 / NR23 / X48 with PN 3BW4 - 7/6/17
SCT MP9 Freight Train In Rain - PoathTV Australian Railways
NR18 leads PN empty steel 5NY3 - 5/1/17
PN NR84/NR16 (PM4) in Galvin (30/7/17)
SIX UP! NR64-8220-NR98-NR73-9301-AN1=WM2 Goulburn 3-3-2017
Train 3367 Junee to Hillston 13/01/17 part 1 of 4
Empty steel train junee
NR41 / AN7 / NR15 / 9315 / NR50 with PN 5BW4 - 23/6/17
NR66 / NR37 / 8118 with PN 1WB3 and a friendly crew! - 27/11/16
NR84 SS / NR52 / NR23 with PN 2BW4 empty steel - 31/1/17
NR18 IP / NR99 / NR84 SS / NR95 / NR107 with PN 5NY3 - 8/6/17
Triple NR's with a late PN 2YN2 steel - 23/3/17
NR / DL / NR on 5BM4 - 29/11/13
Blue Mountains - Triple CEY's with SSR ER02 - 6/6/17
NR50 / NR89 / 9302 / 8118 with PN 5WB3 - 16/7/17
NR44 / NR89 / AN11 / NR18 / 9310 with PN 5NY3 - 18/5/17
PN's 4BW4 and a short 4124 - 1/6/17
Junee Trains NR87, NR53, 8254 & NR101 with 5WM2
NR89 / AN11 / NR51 with PN 4BW4 - 10/8/17