NR18 IP / NR99 / NR84 SS / NR95 / NR107 with PN 5NY3 - 8/6/17
NR99 / AN11 / NR18 IP / 8210 with PN 3BW4 - 14/6/17
NR42 / NR59 / 8157 with PN 5NY3 - 19/5/16
NR99 / NR63 / 8226 with PN 5BW4 - 30/12/16
8181 with an empty railset - 16/6/17
Five NR's lead PN 5NY3 - 20/7/17
PN NR84/NR16 (PM4) in Galvin (30/7/17)
Junee Trains NR18, NR55 & NR115 with 7SM5
Triple NR's with PN 5BW4 - 24/2/17
NR's and AN's lead 5NY3 - 2/10/14
Triple NR's with PN 3NY3 - 14/3/17
Triple NR's with PN 6NY3 - 13/1/17
NR18+AN7+8220 - 1WB3 through Normanhurst
NR90 NR18 IP Freight chase at Dimboola Part 2
Junee Trains NR18, NR94 & 9314 with 2MB2
Double NR's with 6AB6 - 4/9/16
9301 / NR5 with PN 4BW4 containers/steel - 24/11/16
Triple NR's with a late PN 2YN2 steel - 23/3/17
Mixed lashup leads PN 2BW4 - 30/8/16
NR114 / NR22 / 8225 with PN 5BS6 - 25/5/17