Mirror spaces from formal deformation of Lagrangians and their gluing - Hansol Hong
Gluing localized mirror functors
Nick Sheridan: Versality at the boundary of the moduli space (II)
Winter School JTP: Homological mirror symmetry for log Calabi-Yau surfaces, Ailsa Keating
Nick Sheridan - Versality in mirror symmetry
A Tropical Approach to Homological Mirror Symmetry of Quadrics
Certain Lagrangian submanifolds in Hermitian symmetric spaces and Hamiltonian stability...
Sergei Gukov - The Verlinde formula via mirror symmetry
Mirror symmetry for punctured Riemann surfaces and gluing construction
Noppadol Mekareeya (Milano), "Conformal manifolds and 3d mirror theories"
Denis Auroux (Harvard University) 17.12.2020 Mirrors of curves and their Fukaya categories
Zack Sylvan - Homological mirror symmetry near SYZ singularities
Homological Mirror Symmetry for Log Calabi-Yau Surfaces
Denis Auroux. Lagrangian Floer Theory and Analytic Functions on Riemann Surfaces.
Denis Auroux: Holomorphic discs of negative Maslov index & extended deformations in mirror symmetry
Homological mirror symmetry via families of Lagrangians - Mohammed Abouzaid
M. Abouzaid - From family Floer cohomology to homological mirror symmetry
Denis Auroux - Lagrangian Floer theory for trivalent graphs and HMS for curves
SYZ Mirror Symmetry for del Pezzo Surfaces - Tristan Collins
Yoel Groman - Relative SH and Non Archimedean mirror constructions