Michele Mesiti - Examples of GPU programming
Michele Mesiti - Structural Design Patterns
Michele Mesiti - Profiling with Intel Tools
Michele Mesiti - Aspects of Clustering Algorithms: A Journey between Statistics and scikit-learn
Michele Mesiti - Pandas for Flexible Data Analysis
Michele Mesiti - Aspects of Machine Learning
Michele Mesiti: A brief overview of the Slurm job scheduling algorithm
Sp(2N) Lattice Gauge Theories and Extensions of the Standard Model of Particle Physics | RTCL.TV
OpenPOWER Workshop at International Supercomputing Conference, Frankfurt | PART 2
Introduction to HPC | UC Advanced Research Computing (ARC) Center
How to identify and quantify causes of MPI underperformance using the ITAC
Ed Bennett – Developing and using a cluster of Raspberry Pis for outreach
Why isn't my job starting on Slurm?
Primer: Using the Slurm Scheduler (Spring 2023)
Introduction to Aspects of Machine Learning
Lexicon lecture by Carmel Mesiti, and book launch
Slurm Interactive Jobs
Slurm Job Scheduler Basics
I/O Topologies ǀ Jialin Liu, NERSC
Job Scheduling With Slurm