Mean-Field limits for Coulomb-type dynamics
Mean-Field limits for Coulomb-type dynamics - Sylvia Serfaty
Sylvia Serfaty - 1/4 Systems with Coulomb Interactions: Mean-Field Limits and Statistical (...)
Sylvia Serfaty - 2/4 Systems with Coulomb Interactions: Mean-Field Limits and Statistical (...)
Grigorios Pavliotis: "Mean field limits of weakly interacting diffusions and applications"
Pierre-Emmanuel Jabin: An Introduction to Mean Field Limits for Many Particle Systems
Péter Nándori: On the mean field limit of stochastic reaction networks
Mathieu Lewin: Mean-field limits for quantum systems and nonlinear Gibbs measures
Sylvia Serfaty - 3/4 Systems with Coulomb Interactions : Mean-Field Limits and Statistical (...)
Sylvia Serfaty - Mean-Field Limits for Singular Flows
Sylvia Serfaty - 4/4 Systems with Coulomb Interactions: Mean-Field Limits and Statistical (...)
Chiara Saffirio: Mean-field evolution and semiclassical limit of many interacting fermions
Dynamical mean-field theory
Huy Tuan Pham - A general framework for the mean field limit of multilayer neural networks
Quantitative Methods for the Mean Field Limit Problem-Zhenfu Wang
Sylvia Serfaty : Mean field limits for Ginzburg-Landau vortices
20 October 2020 - Sylvia Serfaty
Sylvia Serfaty (CIMS) "Systems of points with Coulomb interactions" King's Colloquium
Steve Campbell: Quantum control to probe non-equilibrium dynamics
Ansgar Jüngel: Mean-field-type limits of interacting particle systems for multiple species