Malou möter Waris Dirie - Malou Efter tio (TV4)
Waris Diries Kampf gegen Genitalverstümmelung: "Mache bessere Arbeit als die Scheiß UN"
Appell von Waris Dirie
Waris Dirie releases her autobiography revealing the horror of female genital mutilation, April 1999
A day in the life of Waris Dirie
20080315 - Waris Dirie_Krankenhaus-Interview
The Day That Changed My Life
Lucha contra la Mutilación Genital Femenina: entrevistamos a su principal referente, Waris Dirie
Supermodel survivor
Waris Dirie discusses ordeal in Brussels
"CUT" with Waris Dirie interview (English)
Woman of the Year speaks out against female genital mutilation
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Waris Dirie
GALA Spa Awards: Waris Dirie ist Beauty-Idol 2018
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Çöl Çiçeği 2009 (Waris Dirie-Desert Flower Türkçe Dublaj)
Help for genitally mutilated women | People & Politics
WARIS DIRIE | பாலைவன பூ | AUTOBIOGRAPHY | Channel K Square