The sociological gaze on science and society relations - Maja Horst
Maja Horst, Head of Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, University of Copenhagen
Science Communication: Professor Maja Horst
DTU Compute PhD Bazaar Keynote: Maja Horst - Why is Science Communication a crucial part of Science?
Maja Horst's work on The Installation
[ICISTS-KAIST 2013] Maja Horst : Public Engagement with Science - The Danish Case
Fem hurtige til DFF's bestyrelsesformand Maja Horst
Maja Horst om Ph.d. Cup
Maja Horst om strategisk udvikling i DFF
Publicering - Maja Horst - English subtitles
Rektortalk: Interview med Maja Horst om nyt ph.d.-kursus "Sustainability evaluation & communication"
Maja Horst - Forskning er fantastisk og fascinerende. Forskningens Døgn 2021.
Die Biene Maja
Socialt ansvarlig forskning - Maja Horst
Maja Horst | dommer i Ph.d. Cup 2019 | Forskere på banen
Maja Horst - Ny teknologi skal bevare den sociale sammenhængskraft
[ICISTS-KAIST 2013] Between Theory and Practice
Fremtidens Universitet - Universitetets fremtid ved Maja Horst og Alan Irwin
M. Haines, C.Voll, M.Horst: Co-creation for engineering education | BoostEuroTeQ
PEWS 2020 Panel 1: Volunteers with Tina Phillips, Darlene Cavalier, Rebecca Jordan, & Maja Horst