MLG Columbus Interview With BTS - N0tail
MLG Columbus Interviews With BTS - Arteezy
MLG Columbus Interviews With BTS - Bulba
MLG Columbus Interviews With BTS - Akke
MLG Columbus Interviews With BTS - Aui_2000
GoDz at the BTS House
MLG Columbus Day 1 Interview With 7ckngMad
LD at the BTS House
Merlini @ MLG Columbus "I worked in finance. It sucked."
Purge @ MLG Columbus "I feel that I could be a pretty high tier male prostitute"
SingSing @ MLG Columbus "EternalEnvy is the most tryhard person I've played with"
MLG Columbus Interviews- HD Starcraft
EG.MSS @ MLG Columbus "The only way to convince people is to run away."
GoDz @ MLG Columbus "She wasn't THAT special..."
EternalEnvy @ MLG Columbus "That's why I did it at night."
GoW2 B-Stream BtS @ MLG Orlando 09 #OneMoreYear
MLG Columbus Post Victory Interview with Pieliedie
[GG] @WhatIsHipTV interviews Purge at MLG Columbus
[GG] @WhatIsHipTV interviews Arteezy
DK.iceiceice during MLG: "We were lucky to beat Alliance"