MK404 Replays Pokémon Stadium 2 PT31 - The Ocean's Grey Tidal Waves[Poké Cup R2 - Poké Ball]
MK404 Replays Pokémon Stadium 2 PT33 - Air Time[Poké Cup R2 - Ultra Ball]
MK404 Replays Pokémon Stadium 2 PT30 - Final Cross[Little Cup R2]
MK404 Replays Pokémon Stadium EX02 - Moshi Moshi[Nintendo Cup '97 R1 JP]
MK404 Replays Pokémon Stadium PT8 - Paying For Lickitung's Food Bills[Kids Club]
MK404 Replays Pokémon Stadium PT7 - Somewhat In Their Prime[Prime Cup R1 - Ultra/Master Ball]
MK404 Plays Order of The Crimson Arm [FE7 ROM Hack] PT31 - Raid on Gorman Ranch[Ch. 19]