Mark Antony vs Alexander and Vercingetorix - Shieldwall
Mark Antony vs Vercingetorix, Spartakus, Alexander - Shieldwall
Mark Antony vs Alexander vs Vercingetorix - Shieldwall
VERCINGETORIX vs Alexander Julius Caesar and Mark Antony - Shieldwall
Mark Antony vs Vercingetorix, Alexander, Julius Caesar - Shieldwall
Mark Antony vs Vercingetorix
Mark Antony vs Alexander vs Arminius - Shieldwall
Vercingetorix vs Mark Antony and Julius Caesar - Shieldwall
Vercingetorix vs Mark Antony and Commius - Shieldwall
Antony's Invasion of Parthia (42 to 33 B.C.E.)
BIG ALEXANDER attacked Mark Antony and Vercingetorix - Shieldwall
Commius vs Alexander and Vercingetorix - Shieldwall
Rome (HBO) - Octavian's Victory Speech
Mark Antony vs Alexander vs 2xGaul Commanders - Shieldwall
Alexander vs Julius Caesar and Mark Antony - Shieldwall
Rome: Mark Antony vs Jilius Caesar vs Spartakus - Shieldwall
Rome (HBO) - Octavian's Speech to the Senate