Leonidas and 4xSoldiers vs 3xArmies - Shieldwall
Leonidas vs 3xLeonidas - Shieldwall
Leonidas vs 3xRoma Caesar - Shieldwall
Spartakus and 4xSoldiers attacked The Arar River - Shieldwall
Vercingetorix vs Leonidas - Shieldwall
Mark Antony and 4xSoldiers attacked - Britannia Shieldwall
3xRoma Commanders attacked each others - Shieldwall
Jilius Caesar vs 3xCommanders - Shieldwall
ALESIA: Julius Caesar vs Leonidas - Shieldwall
Achilles vs 2xLeonidas and Spartakus - Shieldwall
Spartakus vs 3xCaesar
Alexander vs 5xSoldiers attacked The Castle of The Alesia - Shieldwall
Julius Caesar vs 2xLeonidas - Shieldwall
Achilles vs Barbarian commanders - Shieldwall
SUPER AI! Arminius vs Commius vs Vercingetorix - Shieldwall
Spartakus and 6xSoldiers vs 2xGaul Commanders - Shieldwall
Achilles vs Caesar and Vercingetorix - Shieldwall
Vercingetorix defends The Castle of Alesia from Greece
(Pro play) Spartakus vs Mark Antony - Shieldwall