League B-2. ControlPay - Matador Русановка (1-1)
ControlPay - MBZ (4-2)
League B-2.1-tur.ControlPay - Footballers (5-5)
League B-2.2-tur.Old Friends - Footballers (1-4)
Bronze Group B.11-й тур.ControlPay 2 - Ring Ukraine (1-3)
«ПБФ» vs FC ControlPay
League B.2-tur.Alfa - Stelmakh (4-2)
ControlPay - Footballers (5-5)
FC ControlPay vs «ПБФ»
Gold League.1-tur.KISI - Stelmakh (4-2)
ControlPay - Matador Rusanovka (1-1)
Peshmarga - ControlPay (8-3)
League B.16-tur.Footballers - Stelmakh (8-2)
Mercurial - ControlPay (2-4)
3 HABITS that will INSTANTLY make you a better player
League B.13-tur. Atletico Kyiv - Footballers (2-6)
League B2.3-tur.Matador Русановка - Footallers (1-5)
ControlPay - ZTK (2-4)
De B-side ontploft
Lingerie Fighting FULL FIGHT MARATHON | Best Of LFC Part 2