LO66AKX - Close passing driver gets a warning
Motorcyclist road rages as motorist - BT66VTD
DS12VYC - Close pass on a blind bridge
Impatient Bentley driver performs close-pass and narrowly escapes a head-on with oncoming traffic.
LJ19MMV - Rider gets hit by TWO fines!
Driver Pulls out in front of Cyclist - Near Miss - T4HNE T4 HNE
YN66OVF - Red light skipping motorist goes on a course
Bicycle Clips - SP59NPN Extremely Close Pass
HJ12VMV - What bike lane?
EO20EHT - Driving up a cyclists arse
RO71JZX - Waits to pull out in front of a cyclist
AP65NRU - Mirror signal manoeuvre?
LA16PTX - Fined for jumping the red light
LC60DYH - Fined for changing lanes
LJ56EWY - Fined for going the wrong side of the traffic island
Car pulls out on Biker. Bad driving on Nebo Hill. Near Crash. MMTV
GU19GWC - Wrong side of the traffic island
Hold Your Line
EX65NBG Kia driver close pass of cyclist, Essex Police action; Warning Letter
SB69YYW - Captain of the Ever Given drives in Chelsea