LISA21 - Stop Writing Your Own Infrastructure
LISA21 - Let's Go to the Colonies! OS Upgrades—the When, the Why, and the How
LISA21 - Organizational Design for Technical Emergency Response in Distributed Computing Systems
LISA21 - Can Infrastructure as Code Apply to Bare Metal?
LISA21 - BPF Internals
LISA21 - Below: Interactive Resource Monitor for Modern Linux Systems
LISA21 - Practical Kubernetes Security Learning using Kubernetes Goat
LISA21 - Hands-Off Testing for Networked Filesystems
LISA21 - Kind Engineering: How to Engineer Kindness
LISA21 - Computing Performance: On the Horizon
LISA21 - It's Time to Debloat the Cloud with Unikraft
LISA21 Can Infrastructure as Code Apply to Bare Metal
LISA21 - AppSec Fundamentals for Modern DevOps
LISA21 - Exploiting Brain Vulnerabilities: Chaotic Good at Scale
LISA21 - The What and Why of Documenting Your Infrastructure
LISA21 - "Disorganizing"" Your SRE Organization
LISA21 - Sustainable Software Engineering
LISA21 - Year One: Transitioning From Application Engineer to Infrasec Engineer
LISA21 - How to Apply GitOps on Infrastructure (for Real)