Cancer mutations: ALK fusions - the sky is the limit.
Krebsmutationen: RET-Fusionen - Wie schnell geht das hier denn bitte?
Krebsmutationen: Fusionen, Translokationen
Krebsmutationen Deep Dives: ALK holt die Krone
Cancer mutations: ROS1 fusions - sparklers.
Krebsmutationen: NTRK Fusionen - Goldene Nadeln im Heuhaufen!
Cancer mutations: TP53 - Guardian of the Genome.
Cancer mutations: nucleotide mutations
Krebsmutationen Deep Dives: BRAF Klasse II und Klasse III Mutationen
Cancer Mutations: KRAS - The Ancient Enemy.
Krebsmutationen: BRAF-Mutationen - Vielfalt pur.
Cancer mutations deep dives: KRAS subgroups (G12V/D/A, Q61...)
Cancer mutations: amplifications
Targeted Therapy Lung Cancer 2023 - Part A: First Line and Later Lines
Cancer mutations: EGFR - the protein that changed the cancer world.
Cancer mutations: PIK3CA
#Shorts Adventskalender 2022 - ALK
Alecensa: Targeted Therapy for ALK-Positive Lung Cancer
What is treatment like for ALK-positive lung cancer?
Wie wirken zielgerichtete Therapien bei Lungenkrebs?